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Flexible Test FFC Test Fixtures


The frequent failures and costs associated with standard ZIF connectors present a significant technical bottleneck. At Flexible Test, we recognize these challenges and have engineered dedicated test fixtures that offer superior reliability, enhanced performance, and cost-efficiency.

Our comprehensive cost analysis reveals the substantial long-term savings and operational improvements achievable with our advanced test fixtures. Explore how Flexible Test’s innovative solutions can optimize your testing processes, reduce downtime, and enhance the integrity of your results.

First, let’s take an example testing application. We will note the testing times below.

Testing Times Comparison

We can compare the time to connect and disconnect for both the ZIF connector and Flexible Test Fixture. The efficiency of our fixtures significantly reduces the time required for each testing cycle.

Cost Analysis

Based on the testing times, we can compute the total testing times and costs associated with each type of connector over a period of 30 days. The table below shows the accumulated costs per day for both standard ZIF connectors and Flexible Test fixtures.


Key Benefits
  1. Enhanced Reliability: Flexible Test fixtures are designed to withstand higher mate and de-mate cycles, significantly reducing the risk of connector failure.
  2. Reduced Downtime: The robust design and ease of use of our fixtures minimize testing interruptions and maintenance requirements.
  3. Cost-Efficiency: Our fixtures provide substantial cost savings by reducing the need for frequent replacements and minimizing operational disruptions.
  4. Improved Signal Integrity: Our fixtures ensure consistent and reliable connections, enhancing the accuracy and quality of test results.




By switching to Flexible Test fixtures, you can mitigate the risks and costs associated with standard ZIF connectors. Our solutions not only provide superior performance and reliability but also offer significant long-term savings.

Contact us today to learn more about how our innovative test fixtures can revolutionize your testing processes.